Minecraft Windows 10 Edition Shaders 1.12.0

Gear (item).gif

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Please help in the expansion or creation of this article by expanding or improving it. The talk page may contain suggestions.

This article is about the in-game shaders. For the shaders provided by the modification, see ftb:Optifine.

Shaders are used to depict how to render the game.


  • 1 Java Edition
    • 1.1 Core shaders
      • 1.1.1 Non-rendertype
      • 1.1.2 Rendertype
    • 1.2 Include shaders
    • 1.3 Post-processing shaders
    • 1.4 Render process
    • 1.5 File format
      • 1.5.1 Render program
      • 1.5.2 Render pipeline
    • 1.6 Tutorials and useful docs
  • 2 Bedrock Edition
  • 3 History
  • 4 Issues
  • 5 References

Java Edition [ ]

There are two kinds of shaders: core shaders and post-processing shaders.

Core shaders are used to render different parts of the game.

Post-processing shaders are used for mob view in spectator mode, blending of translucent layers in Fabulous! graphics, and glowing status effect.

Shaders are written in OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL). Each single render program come in two parts, vertex and fragment. The vertex shaders modify the positions of individual vertices and are most often used to create waving foliage and water. Fragment shaders are applied to every pixel and can be used to add effects like bloom, god rays, and blur.

Shaders are stored in the assets/minecraft/shaders/ directory of minecraft.jar. Can be replaced with a resource pack. Note that if any error occurs when loading the shaders, the resource pack will be disabled and fabulous graphics mode will be turned off.

Core shaders [ ]

Core shaders are responsible for rendering parts of the game. They are used to render not only blocks and entities when playing the game, but also the main screen, option screen and so on.

Each core shader is a single render program defined by a JSON file, in which vertex and fragment shader file are specified.

Core shaders are stored in the assets/minecraft/shaders/core directory of minecraft.jar.

The following table lists them all including a short description of what the shader renders, as well as, an image highlighting the shaders target in red.

This section is too long. Please click the "show" button to read it

This section is missing information about What affects the following specially rendered game elements:

  • Fishing rod line
  • Darkness vignette, and world border vignette screen effects
  • The super subtle underwater screen effect
  • Totem of Undying use animation
  • End gateway beam (possibly different from beacon beam due to a since-fixed rendering issue MC-173745, however it may have been unified as a result)
  • Wither armor
  • Enchantment overlay
  • Ender dragon death beams
  • Ender dragon disintegration effect.

Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.

Non-rendertype [ ]

Name Used for Sample Images
blit_screen Blit copies one buffer to another, however this cannot be overridden in a resource pack.
block Unknown, does not seem to have any usages in code.
new_entity Unknown, does not seem to have any usages in code.
particle All particles.
  • Top sky and stars in the overworld
  • Dark fog when the player is in the void
  • The highlight color when selecting a world.
Core shader position highlight.png
position_color Used for solid color-block, including:
  • Sunrise and Sunset
  • Chunk border
  • Black background of spyglass overlay
  • Sleep overlay
  • Black background on UI elements
  • Text box in UI
  • Floating tooltip
  • Text background
  • Highlighting over item slots
position_color_lightmap Unknown, does not seem to have any usages in code.
position_color_normal Unknown, does not seem to be referenced anywhere in code.
  • Suffocation overlay screen effect
  • On fire overlay
  • Distortion effect overlay for nausea effect when "Distortion Effects" less than 100%
Core shader position color tex highlight 2.png
position_color_tex_lightmap Unknown, does not seem to have any usages in code.
position_tex Used to render a texture:
  • The sun and the moon
  • World border
  • Underwater screen effect
  • Spyglass texture overlay
  • Carved pumpkin overlay
  • Powder snow overlay
  • Portal overlay
  • Hotbar
  • CrossHair
  • Bossbar overlay
  • health bar, armor bar, food bar, air bar, jump bar, experience bar
  • Effect icons
  • Normal GUIs
  • Button in GUI
  • Game logo and mojang logo
  • Skybox with the minecraft:the_end dimension effect.
  • Dirt background of GUIs
Core shader position tex color highlight.png
position_tex_color_normal Clouds. Core shader position tex color normal highlight.png
position_tex_lightmap_color Unknown, does not seem to have any usages in code.

Rendertype [ ]

Name Description Sample Image
rendertype_beacon_beam The beam of the beacon.
rendertype_crumbling The block cracks when mining a block.
rendertype_cutout All non-cube-hitbox blocks.[ verify ]
rendertype_cutout_mipped Some blocks: grass blocks, iron bars, glass panes, tripwire hooks, hoppers, chains (leaves when using fancy or fabulous graphics)
rendertype_end_gateway The inside of an end gateway, reuses the same shader as rendertype_end_portal.
rendertype_end_portal The inside of an end portal, as well as the insides of end gateways. Core shader rendertype end portal highlight.png
rendertype_solid All solid blocks, lava, and when in fast mode, leaves. Core shader rendertype solid highlight.png
rendertype_translucent Translucent blocks: water (still and flowing), ice, nether portal, stained and tinted glass, slime and honey, bubbles. Core shader rendertype translucent highlight.png
rendertype_translucent_moving_block Blocks which are translucent and are being moved by a piston. The one below is stained glass. Core shader rendertype translucent moving block hightlight.png
rendertype_translucent_no_crumbling Unknown, does not seem to have any usages in code.
rendertype_tripwire Tripwire (sections connected to tripwire hooks are instead rendered completely solid[1] Core shader rendertype tripwire highlight.png
rendertype_water_mask Used to mask out water surface inside a boat to to prevent it from appearing flooded.
Name Desciption Sample Image
rendertype_energy_swirl Charged Creeper swirling outline. Core shader rendertype energy swirl highlight.png
rendertype_entity_alpha controls the ender dragon falling apart during their death animation.
rendertype_entity_cutout Items in the inventory, head (e.g. of armor stands) hand that are blocks (not flat textures)? Doesn't seem to work with shulker boxes.
rendertype_entity_cutout_no_cull All entities and guardian beams.
rendertype_entity_cutout_no_cull_z_offset Skulls on entities and as an item.
rendertype_entity_decal Unknown.
rendertype_entity_glint Unknown.
rendertype_entity_glint_direct Unknown.
rendertype_entity_no_outline Unknown.
rendertype_entity_shadow The blocks that are affected by an entity's shadow, but not the shadow itself. Core shader rendertype entity shadow highlight.png
rendertype_entity_smooth_cutout End crystal beams. Core shader rendertype entity smooth cutout highlight.png
rendertype_entity_solid Certain entities or entity-style objects: banners, shulker heads, books on lecterns/enchantment tables, shields, beds, bell part of bells, capes, shells of conduits, paintings, tridents, the ears on the Deadmau5 skin.

With item frames, the item frame entity itself is part of the shader, however items on it are not. Only non-filled in parts of maps placed on an item frame where the underlying frame is exposed are part of the shader.

Also includes the first person bottom skin layer.

rendertype_entity_translucent Translucent entities and parts of entities: slimes, players (all layers) along with player heads with custom skins on them, markings on horses, shulker bullets, elder guardian particle effect.
rendertype_entity_translucent_cull Flat texture items held by entities (and in the inventory).
rendertype_eyes A shader for the entire body of an entity that has glowing eyes (not the eyes themselves). This is not fully opaque.
rendertype_item_entity_translucent_cull Unknown.
rendertype_leash A leash on an entity. Applies when on a fence too. Core shader rendertype leash highlight.png
rendertype_outline Glowing effect on entities. This buffer only draws the already-outlined and semi-transparent glowing, not covering the entire entity like pre-snapshot. Core shader rendertype outline highlight.png
Name Description Sample Image
rendertype_glint Enchanted glint for items. used only when graphics settings are below fabulous if the item is seen in-world (not in inventory or hand from first person) and either a stained glass pane or a non fully transparent block like honey, ice, slime or any glass block
rendertype_glint_direct Enchanted glint for items. used when the item is in inventory, in hand in first person or the item is opaque(see rendertype_glint or rendertype_glint_translucent for list of all blocks that are not considered opaque as of version 1.17.1)
rendertype_glint_translucent Enchanted glint for items. used only when graphics settings are on fabulous if the item is seen in-world (not in inventory or hand from first person) and either a stained glass pane or a non fully transparent block like honey, ice, slime or any glass block
rendertype_lightning Controls lightning bolts and the purple halo of the ender dragon death animation
rendertype_lines The outline when hovering over a block, as well as the debug crosshair and hitboxes. Core shader rendertype lines highlight.png
rendertype_text All parts of text, including the shadow. This encompasses all text rendered including: F3 Menu, Menu button text, Entity names, Item names, descriptions & amounts in the inventory and the Chat etc.

Also includes the filled in parts of maps placed in item frames and the entirety of non-empty map items held in hand.

Core shader rendertype text highlight.png
rendertype_text_see_through The background nameplate of an entity's custom name. Core shader rendertype text see through highlight.png

Include shaders [ ]

Include shaders aren't stand-alone shader programs. They should be invoked by other shader files.

Include shaders contain helper functions that are commonly used. To import a glsl file in a shader use #moj_import <FILENAME.glsl> or #moj_import "FILENAME.glsl". NOTE: The imported file needs to end with an empty line, otherwise the shader will not load.

Include shaders are stored in the assets/minecraft/shaders/include directory of minecraft.jar.

Name Description
fog Contains the linear_fog function to calculate the color based on the vertex distance.
light Contains the minecraft_mix_light function.
matrix Contains the mat2_rotate_z function that returns the rotation matrix for a vec2 around the z-axis.
projection Contains the projection_from_position function.

Post-processing shaders [ ]

Currently, post-processing shaders is used for mob view in spectator mode, blending of translucent layers in Fabulous! graphics, and glowing status effect.

Post-processing shaders use "post" files to define a pipeline made up of applying a sequence of "programs".

Each "program" is then defined by another JSON file, in which a single render program is defined.

"post" files are stored in the assets/minecraft/shaders/post directory of the version .jar, while "program" files are stored in assets/minecraft/shaders/program.

There are only 5 post-processing shaders used in the game:

  • creeper.json: Used when spectating a creeper
  • invert.json: Used when spectating an enderman
  • spider.json: Used when spectating a spider
  • entity_outline.json: Used when a glowing entity is on screen
  • transparency.json: Used when in "Fabulous!" graphics mode.

In these two directories, there are also many useless shaders, which were used for "Super Secret Settings" before 1.9 (15w31a). See Shaders/Before 1.9.

Render process [ ]

Jigsaw Block (top texture) JE2 BE2.png

File format [ ]

Render program [ ]

  • The root tag
    •   blend: Settings for OpenGL blending.
      •   func: Operator to be used when blending. Can be add, subtract, reversesubtract, reverse_subtract, min, or max. Not case sensitive. Defaults to add. Used as mode parameter of glBlendEquation
      •   srcrgb: Used as sfactor parameter of glBlendFunc or srcRGB parameter of glBlendFuncSeparate. Can be 0, 1, srccolor, 1-srccolor, dstcolor, 1-dstcolor, srcalpha, 1-srcalpha, dstalpha, or1-dstalpha. Case insensitive. Ignores "_". "1", "0", "-" can be replaced by "one", "zero", "minus".
      •   dstrgb: Used as dfactor parameter of glBlendFunc or dstRGB parameter of glBlendFuncSeparate. Can be 0, 1, srccolor, 1-srccolor, dstcolor, 1-dstcolor, srcalpha, 1-srcalpha, dstalpha, or1-dstalpha. Case insensitive. Ignores "_". "1", "0", "-" can be replaced by "one", "zero", "minus".
      •   srcalpha: Used as srcalpha parameter of glBlendFuncSeparate. Can be 0, 1, srccolor, 1-srccolor, dstcolor, 1-dstcolor, srcalpha, 1-srcalpha, dstalpha, or1-dstalpha. Case insensitive. Ignores "_". "1", "0", "-" can be replaced by "one", "zero", "minus".
      •   dstalpha: Used as dstalpha parameter of glBlendFuncSeparate. Can be 0, 1, srccolor, 1-srccolor, dstcolor, 1-dstcolor, srcalpha, 1-srcalpha, dstalpha, or1-dstalpha. Case insensitive. Ignores "_". "1", "0", "-" can be replaced by "one", "zero", "minus".
    •   cull: If true, run glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE). If false, run glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE). Defaults to true.
    •   vertex: The name (without file extension) of the vertex shader to be used.
    •   fragment: The name (without file extension) of the fragment shader to be used.
    •   attributes: Attributes to be used by the vertex shader.
      • : An attribute. Available values are hard-coded.
    •   samplers: A list of samplers that may be used in the shaders.
      • : A sampler.
        •   name: The samplers name.
        •   file: [ more information needed ]
    •   uniforms: A list of uniforms that can be used in the shaders.
      • : A uniform.
        •   name: The name of the uniform as referenced in the GLSL code. Some names give a uniform special behavior(Note that these following special uniform does not work in all shader programs):
          • (float) Time: A value from 0 to 1, representing time in seconds. Resets every second. Only valid in post-processing shaders.
          • (vec2) InSize: The width and height of the input buffer in pixels. Only valid in post-processing shaders.
          • (vec2) OutSize: The width and height of the output buffer in pixels. Only valid in post-processing shaders.
          • (vec2) AuxSize<i>: The width and height of the auxiliary buffer in pixels. <i> should be replaced by the order of the auxtarget in the render pass. Only valid in post-processing shaders.
          • (matrix4x4) ModelViewMat: The model-view matrix. Only valid in core shaders.
          • (matrix4x4) ProjMat: The projection matrix.
          • (matrix4x4) TextureMat: 4D matrix used to transform UV's for item glint effects. Only valid in core shaders.
          • (vec2) ScreenSize: vec2 containing the current framebuffer width and height, in that order.
          • (vec4) ColorModulator: A global vec4 of multipliers that can be set from the game code as a color multiplier. Only valid in core shaders.
          • (vec3) Light0_Direction: First light direction as vec3 for entity rendering. Only valid in core shaders.
          • (vec3) Light1_Direction: Second light direction, see Light0_Direction. Only valid in core shaders.
          • (float) FogStart: Fog start distance from the camera. Only valid in core shaders.
          • (float) FogEnd: Fog end distance from the camera. Only valid in core shaders.
          • (vec4) FogColor: vec4 fog color. Only valid in core shaders.
          • (float) LineWidth: Line width, used for rendering wireframe lines such as the block selection frame and debug hitboxes. Only valid in core shaders.
          • (float) GameTime: Global time of the world, in fractional days. Only valid in core shaders.
          • (vec3) ChunkOffset: When rendering a chunk section, the offset from the camera world position to the chunk section's base point. Only valid in core shaders.
        •   type: The type of the uniform. Can be one of int, float, matrix4x4, matrix3x3 and matrix2x2. int can also be interpreted as ivec2, ivec3 or ivec4 depending on how many values are actually included in values. float can also be interpreted as vec2, vec3 or vec4 depending on how many values are actually included in values.
        •   count: The number of values included in values.
        •   values: The value of the uniform, given as a list of floats. The length of the list should be the same as count.

Render pipeline [ ]

Here's the process of how a post-processing shader is used in game: first, the shader initializes all of the render targets specified in the "targets" list with the proper width and height. After that, the shader goes through each render pass specified in the "passes" list from first in the list to last in the list. Each pass will apply the program shader on the render target specified by "intarget" (with any extra data provided by other auxiliary render targets) and output the end result on the render target specified by "outtarget".

  • The root tag
    •  targets: A list of render targets. They can be buffer provided by the game, or new buffer with any name.
      • : The name of a render target. The size defaults to screen resolution. Post-processing shader transparency must contain render targets named translucentitemEntityparticlesweather and clouds. Post-processing shader entity_outline must contain render target named final.
      • : A render target to add.
        •  name: The name of the render target to add.
        •  width: The width of the render target.
        •  height: The height of the render target.
    •  passes: A list of passes.
      • : A render pass.
        •  name: The name of a program shader to apply on the input and post into the output. Use "blit" to copy the data from intarget to outtarget.
        •  intarget: The name of a render target to use as an input. Use minecraft:main to specify the main screen.
        •  outtarget: The name of a render target to output to. It should not be the same as intarget. Use minecraft:main to specify the main screen.
        •  auxtargets: A list of auxiliary targets.
          • An auxiliary target.
            •  name: The auxiliary target's name that is passed into the "Program" JSON.
            •  id: The auxiliary target's id. Either points into the name of a buffer that is defined in targets or into the location of a texture under assets/<namespace>/textures/effect (use a resource location to reference it). Append :depth after the name of the buffer to access its depth buffer. For example, to access the depth buffer of minecraft:main, use minecraft:main:depth.
            •  width: Required if id references a texture. Describes the width of the texture in pixels.
            •  height: Required if id references a texture. Describes the height of the texture in pixels.
            •  bilinear: Required if id references a texture. Determines whether the scaling algorithm used for the image is bilinear or nearest neighbour.
        •  uniforms: A list of overrides that change the values in the uniforms list in the "Program" JSON.
          • : A uniform.
            •  name: The name of the field that should be changed.
            •  values: The values that the field should be changed to.

Tutorials and useful docs [ ]

Here are some guides with additional information on creating shaders:

  • Minecraft Vanilla Shaders Guide
  • Vanilla Shaders Wiki

Bedrock Edition [ ]

Jigsaw Block (top texture) JE2 BE2.png

Since Bedrock Edition 1.16.200, third party shader resource packs are no longer supported on Windows 10 or Console versions, although they still work on mobile devices.

History [ ]

Java Edition
1.7.2 13w38a Shaders were added for Super Secret Settings.
1.8 14w05a The Creeper and Spider shaders were added. Shaders are automatically applied in spectator mode when viewing the world as a Creeper, Spider or Enderman.
14w05b Shaders are now removed from view when changing perspective while spectating a mob.[2]
F4 now toggles different shaders rather than turning them off.[2]
14w06a The Entity Outline shader was added.
1.9 15w31a Removed the Super Secret Settings button for an internal rewrite.[3]
1.16 20w22a The Transparency shader was added for Fabulous! graphics mode.
1.17 21w10a Core shaders were added.

Issues [ ]

Issues relating to "Shaders" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.

References [ ]

  1. MC-214692
  2. a b MC-46727#comment
  3. https://twitter.com/_grum/status/627141591942209536

Minecraft Windows 10 Edition Shaders 1.12.0

Source: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Shaders

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